Friday, April 3, 2009

Everybody loves Fridays don't they? There is so much hope, and so much possibilty, we can't wait to get started doing exactly what we want to do right? This painting is named "Red" I love it because she is a woman contemplating......Maybe she is contemplating what to do on her weekend. For Nikki........

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ok, so now I am compelled to put something on this blog other than my about the painting "Bungalow in Pink". This is an oil on canvas painting that I painted looking out my back porch across the street. I love making the everyday ordinary sites into beautiful paintings. It's hard to improve on a beautiful sunset that was created by God but it takes real creativity to make a little bungelow house in the poor part of town look beautiful. When the art professor at Morningside college saw this painting he told me I had a very painterly style. I took that as a complement. This is a typical style of the houses here in the Mid-West. I hope you enjoy this work. By the way....this is my Sister Carla's painting.

Hey, Hey, know sometimes when you have this elusive date set way in the future that you only think about occasionally and feel it's way too far in the future to contemplate? Well that just happened to me yesterday, that's right Fif-tee, the big five-oh, five decades, five-diddly-oh, ten till sixty, arrived yes it did. I kicked, screamed and protested but all along I knew it was inevitable. I actually had an amazing show of support from friends, co-workers and family to help me celebrate my birthday. What I thought was the end of an era in my life as I know it turned out to be a refreshing show of support to me, and gave me great hope for the future. I was showered with gifts, fresh flowers, cards and lots of decorations. I am very fortunate to have many people that care about me. Now....the great part is that I get to plan the next 25!